The Best Days in July are: 1st, 2nd, 25th and 26th

Sun Sign Forecasts for July 2024

By Arlene DeAngelus

Begin a diet after Full Moon on July 21st

Aries: (March 21 to April 20)

Family ties and roots, home-front activity and searching for self are studied for this month. Neptune turns Retrograde on the 2nd and you may have to slow down from the rapid pace and examine yourself to see what you have accomplished. The Full Moon occurs on the 21st and rules your career or equivalent and can indicate changes in dealings with important people.

Taurus: (April 21 to May 20)

Routine activities, educational opportunities and everyday environment are important for this month. Neptune goes Retrograde on the 2nd and be careful to choose your friends carefully and see them as they are and not as you want to. The Full Moon occurs on the 21st and rules your higher mind and can indicate changes in communications with others.

Gemini:(May 21 to June 20)

Expanding resources, financial situations and sense of values are considered for this month. Neptune turns Retrograde on the 2nd and you may begin to feel discouraged as people resent your efforts to get ahead in your work area. The Full Moon occurs on the 21st and rules your marital and partnership funds and indicates changes in jointly held items.

Cancer:(June 21 to July 22)

Discovering oneself, your appearance and personal matters are studied for this month. Neptune goes Retrograde on the 2nd and you begin to realize your relationship with the universe as you also receive new ways of understanding it. The Full Moon occurs on the 21st and rules your one-to-one relationships and indicates compromising in your relationships.

Leo: (July 23 to August 22)

Universal laws, helping the needy and hidden abilities are examined for this month. Neptune turns Retrograde on the 2nd and there may be some misunderstandings with others over money, assets or other property that you need to resolve. The Full Moon occurs on the 21st and rules your employment and health but you can change your health through exercise and diet.

Virgo:(August 23 to September 22)

Career earnings, making new friends and achievements are researched for this month. Neptune goes Retrograde on the 2nd and you should be careful about forming new partnerships, but an established one will probably continue to exist The Full Moon occurs on the 21st and rules your romance and children and indicates changes in how you enjoy having fun.

Libra: (September 23 to October 22)

The career world, setting proprieties and recognized achievement are explored for this month. Neptune turns Retrograde on the 2nd and you may have new ideas about nutrition and hygiene, but be careful about health habits and foods. The Full Moon occurs on the 21st and rules your home and personal affairs and can be the time when old matters are resolved.

Scorpio: (October 23 to November 21)

Philosophy on life, mental pursuits and searching for knowledge are reviewed for this month. Neptune goes Retrograde on the 2nd and you may be inclined to look for a relationship that is a romantic image and meets expectations. The Full Moon occurs on the 21st and rules your everyday environment and aindicates changes in your habits and communications.

Sagittarius: (November 22 to December 21)

A partner’s assets, the mystic’s path and changing values are rethought for this month. Neptune turns Retrograde on the 2nd and you may become interested in studying both spiritual or occult subjects as a result of your experiences. The Full Moon occurs on the 21st and rules your finances and possible changes in your personal income or financial dealings.

Capricorn: (December 22 to January 19)

Forming partnerships, professional help and legal contracts are considered for this month. Neptune goes Retrograde on the 2nd and you will need to be careful how you communicate with others and be clear and careful in any negotiations. The Full Moon occurs on the 21st and rules you and can indicate changes in your appearance or a new hairstyle or clothing.

Aquarius:(January 20 to February 18)

Attention to health, solving problems and thoughts on work are examined for this month. Neptune turns Retrograde on the 2nd and you should use care in managing your money and possessions to avoid other’s schemes and situations. The Full Moon occurs on the 21st and rules your spiritual and psychic attunement and your ability to correct your past mistakes.

Pisces: (February 19 to March 20)

Romantic courtship, creative ability and the joys of life are analyzed for this month. Neptune goes Retrograde on the 2nd and you learn who you are in your own terms and begin to project yourself to others and make corrections if needed. The Full Moon occurs on the 21st and rules your hopes and wishes and indicates changes in your group activities and friendships.

Astrological Concepts

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(518) 371-8097


September / October 2014

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